Jake Parker

Founder Yakka Bio, protein engineer, reader, climber.


I'm a computational protein engineer interested in methods for the design of functional proteins. My PhD was between the labs of Kirill Alexandrov and Sarel Fleishman where I successfully developed automated tools for the stabilisation and design of antibodies in the Rosetta software suite. I also worked on a number of other systems, most notably TCRs.My design strategy uses a combination of evolutionary analysis, machine learning, and atomistic design. My methods are based and built on the thinking and work of the Fleishman lab. The methods must match the objectives, however, and the field is rapidly progressing, so it's important to keep up to date on the latest tools.Loops and buried polar groups are a feature, not a bug.


LLB, BSc., PhD (protein engineering)

  • Founder Cider Biotech I am co-founder of a protein switch company, Cider Biotech. Based on technology from my PhD lab, the Alexandrov Lab, I have helped put together a technological and business case, technology in-licensing, and fund raising.

  • Founder Yakka Bio I founded a computational protein design company to apply the tools and design strategy developed during my PhD on a contract research basis.

  • CTO Sparc Technologies Helped shape technical vision and strategy for a young company, identified technologies with commercial opportunity, oversaw research projects with partner institutions, and managed the company's IP strategy, including helping draft and file several patents.

  • Institute of Molecular Bioscience @ UQ/Weizmann Developed a fully-automated computational pipeline for antibody fragment stabilisation.


Reach out on social media (links below), or directly by email.